Friday, December 11, 2015

That old adage that you never know what you've got until you've lost it, and another that cautions be careful what you wish for has come home to roost in Canada. We had a leader of the nation who was endowed with intelligence, integrity and a moral compass that led him to represent the country's values well. But a segment of the population representing a minority of forty percent decided his personal style did not reflect what they wanted to see, and they voted for a man whose background and personality reflected the Janus face of Stephen Harper's.

Justin Trudeau photographed in Ottawa.
Justin Trudeau photographed in Ottawa. Photo: Norma Jean Roy

Enter the Dauphin, His Eminence Of The Perpetual Smile, Justin Trudeau whose self-esteem nothing could impair, not the fact that he is supremely unqualified to lead the nation, though his previous experience as a drama instructor in a private boys' academy did reflect his psychological root in thespian display, validated by the acclaim he was given as a pseudo-intellectual capable of holding an audience spellbound by his 'sunny ways' and the fact he inherited a name that Canadians alternately venerated or loathed, commanding huge speaking fees to augment both his vanity and his aspirations.

So beloved of the class of people who adore celebrities that they felt it appropriate Canada have one of its own sitting as office-holder of the Prime Minister of Canada. His sainted father's love of public attention along with his mother's irresistible urge to display herself in self-besotted situations to draw public attention, set the mould for their eldest son to emulate, and surpass.

Junior Trudeau and his wife have brought their self-absorbed egos to the fore, with their focus on public demonstrations of devotion to one another. Public displays of affection have not been unknown nor seen to be inappropriate in the past, but a long and lingering kiss with its undertones of passion will never be suitable for a public ceremony mourning and commemorating the sacrifices of the fallen in the name of liberty at the National Cenotaph.

And nor will professional celebrity shoots of costly jewellery-on-loan, couturier-garbed prime ministerial wives flaunting sexuality, youth and beauty to the public stage bring anything but raised eyebrows to the highest elected public office of the land. The obviously-salacious poses affected by this man and his wife for publication in a social-style magazine are more than slightly detrimental and offensive to the place they now hold in public life.

Their lack of good taste, common-sense restraint and respect for that office represents an insult to the country he claims to have the skills, intelligence and acumen to lead.

Justin Trudeau and his wife Sophie in a photo from the January 2016 issue of Vogue magazine. (Norman Jean Roy/Vogue)
Justin Trudeau and his wife Sophie in a photo from the January 2016 issue of Vogue magazine. (Norman Jean Roy/Vogue)

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