Wednesday, December 26, 2012

You Kidding Me?

false color image of Saturn
Anders, E.; Owen, T.
Abstract: An investigation is conducted concerning the factors which are responsible for the tenuous nature of the Martian atmosphere in comparison to the terrestrial atmosphere, taking into account new data obtained in connection with the Viking missions. It is found that Mars was poor in volatiles from the start and fell further behind earth by less complete outgassing, by extensive retrapping, and by the partial loss of lighter gases. Attention is given to noble gases on earth and Mars, the condensation of noble gases and other volatiles, the sources of earth's volatiles, the bulk composition of earth, the release of volatiles from earth, clues to the volatile endowment of Mars, an abundance table for Mars, a comparison of terrestrial and Martian conditions, isotopic data on noble gases, xenon-129 on Mars and earth, possibilities concerning the loss of an early Martian atmosphere, the evolution of the atmosphere of Mars, conditions in the case of planet Venus, and the reasons for the poorness of small planets in volatiles.
Collection: NASA
NASA Center: NASA (Unspecified Center)
Publication Date: Nov 4, 1977
Publication Year: 1977
Document ID: 19780029203

Beg pardon?  What is this technical jargon?  And what, in partiucular is Xenon 129?  Ah, I see.  Radioactive isotopes usually prsent after a nuclear reaction.  Now that's strange.  This is, um...a technical paper from NASA?  Right; NASA Technical Reports Server, no hoax, then?

That's Saturn up there, not Mars.  A gaseous planet, incapable of hosting life forms.  But Mars perhaps did, once.  Who knows?  There, that's Mars.  Looks a little like Earth, doesn't it, if you squint, eyes half-closed.  That's a polar ice-cap on top of the sphere.  Oops, like Earth again.  And then, there's absurd speculation like this:
Report of Findings of Life on MARS
Copyright © 1997 by Vincent DiPietro
There have been several significant discoveries which point to the possibility that intelligent ancient life may have existed on Mars about 1.5 billion years ago. There are several research papers (many published years ago) and discoveries to backup this claim. It is timely to bring forth once again these scientific facts which have been virtually suppressed or rejected by so called "academicians" and concomitant peer inquisition. 

Here on Earth, there is currently active intelligent contemporary life.  Just how intelligent it is is a matter of huge speculation when an Apocalyptic-obsessed theocracy like the Islamic Republic of Iran eagerly awaits the arrival of the Hidden Mahdi to usher in the End of Times or the beginning of celebration for the righteous which designation includes worthiness-monopolistic Iranian Shia Muslims.  A theocracy willing to hasten that world-shattering event through its determination to succeed in mastering the scientific-technical expertise it needs to produce nuclear bombs.

Dr. John Brandenburg, is a senior propulsion scientist at Orbital Technologies Corp.  Brandenburg's paper was published by the 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in 2011. His Books - LIFE AND DEATH ON MARS: THE NEW MARS SYNTHESIS  DEAD MARS, DYING EARTH

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