Thursday, July 7, 2011

She wants to do well academically so she studies and she is emphatic about her grades, agonizing if she doesn't feel they adequately reflect her effort. She is scrupulous about performing all her homework and school assignments, meticulous about presentation and careful to hand everything in on time.

She doesn't too much care for many of her teachers, but there are those who gain her respect because she recognizes in them the capacity to teach, unlike many of the others. She has always had a streak of maturity in her, and when she was very young several of her teachers remarked on what appeared to them to be exhibitions of a natural tendency toward "justice" or fairness.

She always had a disputatious temperament, and her own sense of what was right. She has thought about what kind of career she would like to map out for herself. When she was thirteen she decided she was interested in law, and she would like to become a lawyer. A criminal lawyer, no less, and this is still what she aspires to.

She has taken, of late, to looking for particularly peculiar instances of peoples' behaviour setting them apart in public from most of society, and has conceived a fascination with the Westboro Baptist Church and its founder Fred Phelps, and his daughter. Their violent and vicious public displays of contempt for the society they live within and the values most people hold dear particularly intrigues her and she simmers with indignation over their nastiness.

Come to think of it, I had often thought myself, when I was young, of how fascinating it would be to have a profession like law, although there were no opportunities presented to me as a child to gain a higher education, let alone attend university. I'm thankful our grandchild can aspire to and attain what I could not.

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