Monday, July 4, 2011

It wasn't our usual veterinarian who examined her when we made a hasty appointment in a short window of opportunity on Saturday morning, but another, older veterinarian who had obviously been in practise awhile and knew his profession well. He was impressed, looking through her file, at the results of the latest bloodwork that assured him her organs were in great shape for an elderly dog.

There didn't seem to be anything physically amiss, from what he could determine, after a thorough physical examination. A stomach upset, compounded by other factors which could conceivably be a reaction, he agreed, to the "pulse" protocol of pro-active anti-biotic use. So, he said, it was good thinking to halt its administration when we did. There are alternate anti-biotics that could be prescribed, he assured us.

Home she came, and gradually over the space of the next few days began to behave more normally, whatever 'normal' is now for her; far removed from her original behaviour, but recognizable, and reassuring. She was, for one thing, now eating her meals, although they still were comprised of rice and boiled beef. I'd had to set aside her Heartworm medication for the time being, until we could be more assured it wouldn't interfere with her recovery.

And this morning, she had rice and beef, but also the meal was comprised of 50% of her usual kibble, and she ate it all extremely well, leaving nothing behind, including the Heartworm tablet that had been inserted into a piece of ground beef. She's no longer pacing quite so incessantly, seemingly unable to settle down.

Well on the road to recovery, and we're thankful for that.

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