Monday, July 9, 2018

We are beyond fortunate to live in a country like ours with its spaciousness, its geological features that rival any to be found on this planet, for its opportunities for personal growth and economic security, its wonderful health system, its cleanliness and beauty, its bounty of natural resources and its civilized outlook on life and devotion to social cohesiveness.

Privileged beyond the wildest dreams of many others who live elsewhere and imagine how satisfied they would be with the same opportunities and indulgences that we feel entitled to enjoy. So that the main focus of most peoples' daily conversations here where we live begins with the prevailing weather. And we complain about a heat wave that is so inconvenient; what a trifle.

In Japan millions of people have been displaced by an abnormal rain event that has flooded many areas and where people have lost their lives. Elsewhere, devastating earthquakes, volcano eruptions, civil wars, religious and tribal conflicts, endemic poverty and disease, and the scourge of the world at the present time: Islamofascism where roaming groups of jihadists prey on terrified populations.

Yesterday, a normal day's pattern for us was tending to things around the house and gardens, and going out for a daily walk on woodland trails in a beautiful green forest with two little dogs to enjoy the day and the summer atmosphere, then complain about how hot it is, and humid and the wind giving relief from the oppressive heat, should be able to penetrate a little deeper below the forest canopy...

There, in the forest, bright bursts of colour from summer-blooming wildflowers and wild berry bushes entertain our eyes, and the soft cushion of generations of leaf and needle detritus grips our booted feet encouraging us onward, the sight of poplar foliage twinkling in the prevailing wind, shafts of sunlight filtering through the forest canopy, dragonflies and bees flitting about through foliage, and cardinals singing in the distance evoking the utmost in human satisfaction with nature's bounty, and it is ours.

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