Monday, July 2, 2018

So, we're faced with a bit of a dilemma. To go, or to stay. Of course that trite little hint could apply to any situation. In this case, it is of no particular importance to life's trajectory, only referring to what will be done with the leisure hours of the day. Our wont has been to embark on a daily stroll in the nearby forest with our two little dogs; good for them and good for us for all manner of reasons, not the least of which is from a psychological and physical health standpoint from that energy expenditure clambering uphill and down, fresh air streaming into our lungs -- themselves getting a good workout -- along with our muscles and tendons, making us more limber. our physiognomy engaged as it should be.

So, why not go out with that in mind, since we have the time and we certainly have the inclination. Inclement weather conditions. That's what we're facing, the direct opposite of when in winter the temperature descends below -20C, with an Arctic wind blasting amid snow fog and heavy flurries adding to a whiteout. This time, however, it's humid conditions adding to the heat blast of the sun on a clear-sky day when the temperature has soared to 37C and everything is baking in the torrid heat.

We did decide yesterday that despite the heat, we would take advantage of a good brisk breeze to enter the forest confines with the assurance that the forest canopy would offer good shade and the breeze would alleviate the breath-strangling heat. In fact, once we descended from the baking street into the ravine, there was a decided cooling effect. And we soon came across Max who is ever faithful to his intention not to miss a day in the ravine if he can help it.

So Jackie and Jillie patiently stood beside us while we spent some time schmoozing with Max before carrying on. As for the 'carrying on', we did so with due regard to the smothering layer of heat that covered us with perspiration trickling down our cheeks (upper and lower), amending our stride to a moderate pace to conserve energy. And hastening to offer Jackie and Jillie cool laps of water from time to time, which they took to quite swiftly, no longer as usual spurning the opportunity.

That kind of activity under those conditions is not conducive to compliance when you're instructed, post-surgery, not to exert yourself or expose yourself to situations that are in any way stressful. We  had decided that we'd only engage in the ravine for a shortened circuit, and that's just what we did. Glad, after all, to get back home where we could leave the effects of the heat wave behind us.

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