Tuesday, January 9, 2018

We did think we'd be able to get out on the trails in the forest yesterday since  the high was forecasted for -7C, and though it was windy we thought we'd be able to take our two little imps out for a walk. We've been stuck indoors for days in temperature highs of -17C and gusting winds. Instead, the 'light snow' that Environment Canada forecasted to bring us 2 cm during the day yesterday turned out to be an all-day snow event.

Several hours following breakfast it was hard to credit the depth of snow that had accumulated in the backyard necessitating that, given the constant snowfall, the pathways in the back had to be shovelled lest we lose Jackie and Jillie in one of the growing drifts.

By afternoon it was clear that with the cold, the wind and the growing snowpack it wouldn't be a whole lot of fun trying to slog through the ravine. Toddling up the street to the group mailbox to retrieve mail was an exercise in human snow-plowing alone. By evening the snow finally stopped and we hoped that today would being us more reasonable weather.

Lucky us, a high of -1C, little wind and no snow, so we were good to go and go we did. Although the puppies needed their winter coats they didn't require boots given the temperature and that was a relief, so off we set. All that newfallen snow was really hard to slog through, taking more energy than we'd counted on to do the trick. But we persevered and deciding against a shortened circuit, took our time and had a good long trek through the forest.

It was obvious that some people had been out before us, but not many, certainly not enough to tramp down the snow to a manageable level. It won't take long, though, and if we don't get too much more snow tomorrow (4 cm is expected) to top off the 15 cm received yesterday, it should be far easier going on tomorrow's trek.

We hope we've finally returned to normal January weather. A January thaw, though isn't entirely unlikely and would be typical of this region's whacky winter weather.

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