Thursday, January 11, 2018

Sometimes the professionals who track and prognosticate weather get it spectacularly wrong because simply, weather is so unpredictable and examining patterns and expectations is so inexact a science, and sometimes, contrarily, they get it right on. Right on schedule late yesterday afternoon the freezing rain Environment Canada has been issuing warnings about, arrived. But not before my husband had mounted his telescoping ladder to sweep the accumulated snow off the deck's metal canopy as a precautionary measure.

The stability and strength of the canopy, its manufacturers warn -- in an obscure little bit of print on the box containing the set-up that we hadn't noticed when we bought it -- is reliable only for six inches of snow-weight. And since my husband put it together on the deck to give us shade from the afternoon sun, and the deck itself stands about six feet above the ground giving entry through our sliding doors to the breakfast room, it is awkward to clear of snow. On one side of the  canopy it's done with the ladder leaning against the canopy from the height of the deck. On the opposite side, the ladder sits on the ground, a much taller elevation to get to the top of the canopy. I'd prefer, if I had my druthers, that the entire thing be removed, shade be damned.

In any event, once again the canopy was cleared of snow. Had the snow been left in place, although it's only been a week since it was last cleared of six inches and only four inches or so had accumulated since then, the freezing rain atop and penetrating the snow would have resulted in a considerable weight problem ostensibly challenging the strength of the canopy and threatening a collapse.

Out on yesterday's ravine walk with our puppies we came across Max, younger than Jackie and Jillie, a poodle mix, slightly larger than they are, and full of bumptious energy and mischief. Bumping into him and his person meant that our two would enjoy a good, strenuous run-about, racing back and forth; first having fun with Max, then obviously trying to avoid him until all three ran out of energy. Max was wearing a Hudson's Bay doggie coat, very attractive on his Apricot colouration, a signal that his person is loyal to the brand for which she works.

Perusing the newspapers in late afternoon I came across an intriguing recipe for breakfast muffins. I should have recalled I'd baked them previously, quite some time ago, but my curiosity got the better of me and I thought they'd make a different breakfast for this morning. Basically, a corn muffin with shredded cheese, chopped ham and chopped green onions, dry mustard and cayenne pepper in the mix. So I pre-prepared the ingredients and set them aside to quickly whip together and bake this morning. Which I did. And then we all, puppies included, enjoyed them for breakfast.

They're different, but tomorrow we'll revert back to our usual; oatmeal, quinoa mix for me, scrambled eggs and toast for my husband for a long, enjoyably leisure breakfast. Coffee for him, tea for me.

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