Monday, January 1, 2018

Just when you have finally convinced yourself that this unusual Polar weather system that has obviously gone astray that we've been experiencing the last week cannot possibly last, indications arise that it can and it will. The breathtakingly icy air appears to enjoy its visit and is loathe to depart.

We've been experimenting with alterations to the boots we put on our little dogs to protect their tender paws from this extreme cold. The boots that manage to stay in place when the temperature dips only to -12C, simply will not stay protectively on their tiny paws (even though they're a size XS) in temperatures like -17C, as occurred frustratinglywhen we were out yesterday in the forest determined to do a shorter circuit.

We're fed up with those ill-designed boots, expensive and with ample advertising credits, yet useless in these circumstances.

So we're resigned to having the puppies remain in the house other than for those times when they've got to go out to the back yard. They're anxious to get out there and when they do, instantly embark on spurts of vigorous play, spurred on by the snow and the cold. It takes but a moment for them to realize just how cold it is when their little pads begin to freeze to the icy exterior and they finally, albeit reluctantly, run back up the stairs to enter the house.

Last night the temperature plunged to -30C, and when we came down for breakfast this morning it sat at -28.7C, with a light wind. Wind that would seem a tiny breeze at any other time, becomes a sharp knife in these plunged temperatures. The high today is -22C, with a windchill of -38C. We miss our daily jaunts in the forest, but we've got to be patient. Because, of course, the Arctic cold cannot last -- much -- longer -- can -- it?

So I've decided we need another big pot of aromatic and restorative chicken soup with our dinner tonight. Its fragrance is now permeating all the rooms of the house, and before too long will be joined by the enticing smells of roasting chicken breast with mushrooms and onions, a casserole of potatoes and onions, and asparagus.

Just before serving the chicken soup a well-beaten egg will be drizzled over the boiling soup for instant egg noodles, topped with chopped green onion. Serving as an antidote to the extreme conditions outside our home.

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