There are countless limitations to humans reaching out to be closer to the angels than the demons within us. We are shameless hypocrites, attesting to the fact that we seem unable to rise above our primal urges. Resorting to hatred and to savaging one another through slanderous stereotypes while presenting ourselves as vastly superior, and turning from that preparatory stage to violence. Attacking one another mercilessly, waging wars of destruction; annihilating those representing the minority groups, ethnicities, religions we hold in contempt.
Our sense of entitlement allows us to view others as unworthy, while we are ourselves extraordinarily superior. And first things first; the inequality of the sexes, where gender entitles the males of the species to predatory acts bringing harm and humiliation to the other half of humanity. The vast scope of this predicament of moral dysfunction has never wanted for more than sufficient examples. Where tribal peoples, those with tribal mentalities and those who formulate religious and ideological values proscribe the very thought that women can take an equal place in all measures and manifestations of society. And we call this 'civilization'.
The persecution of women has a viral place throughout human history. Women valued for their industry and procreative endowment. To be kept as slaves answerable to their 'owners'. Punished should they ever flinch from this condition much less assert any vestige of independence. Ownership encompassed every area of a woman life, from cradle to grave. And from cradle to grave women have had to suffer never-ending assaults against the sovereignty of their bodies, their souls.
Never to say that men too and sometimes equally have been among those suffering the penalty of vulnerability. Nor that there exists men equal in number to those who impose their will on others, for whom equality between the sexes and love and caring spurs their emotions and actions. Those women with the good fortune to have aligned themselves and their futures with such men may have suffered abuse at some points in their lives but never from the men who love them as they love themselves.
But it is dispiriting beyond the tolerance of resignation that there has never been an era in human history, nor a society whose social contract firmly establishes the kind of equality that those who prefer entitlements over respect for others would dare deny let alone defy. And so, in our civilized and enlightened world where lip service is given to equality, the safety and security of women in society remains a question of locked lips and unseeing eyes.
Society sometimes turns against its status quo, and at this juncture in place and time we are witnessing a revolution where resentment simmering among women has found an outlet where women wronged have found a voice that resonates among other women and men who support them. What began in the world of celebrity has trickled down to corporate issues and finally to the political world, where icons of industry, film and the arts and political hierarchies have been named and shamed.
Holus-bolus suddenly those who at some point in their lives, have been identified as molesters, persecutors, deviants, rakes and pederasts, rapists and psychopaths of the first order in perhaps isolated incidents, perhaps an ongoing trajectory of abuse are being identified. The process of naming these people, some of whom are guilty of ill judgement and juvenile behaviour more than egregious harm to women may sometimes leave much to be desired, but the avalanche of accusations appears unstoppable.
Famous personalities transformed into infamous molesters. Where once many of the abusers threatened to destroy an unwilling woman's career aspirations, they are now witness to their own careers spiralling from the heights of success to the depths of oblivion. We read countless accounts of women speaking of their experiences at the hands of men with power over their lives; those men's lives are now being destroyed in a viral atmosphere of actions having consequences and paying the piper.
Although some sympathy in some instances can be seen for those now suffering the results of their sociopathic belief in their inviolability behaving as men have always done and women suffering as they always have, there isn't a woman alive who is unable to recall events from childhood to maturity and beyond where she was humiliated, put upon, abused and used.