Tuesday, May 1, 2012

We remembered to take along a camera, but forgot the binoculars.  We were intent on finding the owl's nest.  Its location was described to us by acquaintances who had spotted it the day before with their binoculars, having been informed by acquaintances of their own who had earlier seen the nest.

We hadn't gone very far in the ravine when we realized that the pair of ducks that we'd seen weeks before swimming in the narrow confines of the clay-bottomed creek were in sight.  The mallard drake is a colourful bird, its mate drab, but as a devoted pair it's a delight to come across them.  They barely seemed to notice our presence, simply swam about a bit, hauled themselves out of the creek to amble up the bank and over to the other side of the bridge they were near, then to scramble back down the opposite bank and back into the water.

The creek, at this time of year, barely resembles the typical southern or eastern Ontario stream, more often gravel-lined and productive for aquatic life.  We've hardly ever seen anything in these waters, a few minnows, catus-fly larvae, damselflies, water striders.  And once, many years ago, a large snapping turtle that must have confusedly made its way along, from the Ottawa River.

We continued on our way, looking for the presence above of the owl's nest, hoping to see the mother owl nesting in it, as was described to us.  Without the binoculars to assist, we had to rely on our eyesight, and thought we had located the nest, but couldn't be certain. 

We'll have to try to bring binoculars with us next time 'round.

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