Monday, May 7, 2012

Intractably thorn issues are solved by functionally intelligently acute individuals with scientific minds capable of discerning minuscule potential solutions sifting through a vast acreage of intelligence.  Those same minds capable of making huge intellectual leaps, theorizing and proposing, setting the stage for those who come after to leap into their own spheres of elemental thought processes, then refining them to a state of quantifiable, often not observable phenomena rendering explanations of how, why, when and where, leave us mouth agape at their genius, and candidates for Nobel prizes.

Those same minds that leap off the human horizon of thought and solution, so often fail when it comes to pedestrian, ordinary facets of managing everyday life.  Things that are routine to the ordinary minds of most of humanity are simply dropped by the wayside of the intellectual genius.  A mind that is so wrapped around the existential elements of life forces cannot be bothered with simple memory tests.

And while it may be true that eureka moments favour the prepared mind, that mind is seldom prepared to fend for itself at the very basic foundations of rude existence.

Theorizing on the construction of the universe and how a massive burst of energy suddenly erupted out of an inconceivably huge vacuum strains the minds of us all, but is plausible to those who deal in quantum theories of particles and stardust.  But these are those who stumble through life with shoelaces untied, forgetting to restore their own human energy by routine meals-taking, capable of absorbing data and numbers to numb the minds of the ordinary people surrounding them, but unable to recall their own home addresses.

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