Sunday, October 15, 2023

There are times when it's just not possible to separate your personal life from the news read daily and the ongoing stream of posts on social media. Even if you tried deliberately to separate yourself from what is happening half a world away, it just isn't possible when it hits so close to home. Canadians are fortunate, they can read the news and know that unrest and uproars that happen elsewhere won't really be affecting them personally.
And while that may have been true to an extent at one time, it no longer is. It can't be that way anywhere in the world. We're inextricably interconnected thanks to this new mode of communication that brings us instantly in conversation with others no matter how geographically separated we may be, or how our interests differ, much less how the news impacts on each of us. 

The latest Hamas-incited horrors inflicted on Israel and its citizens is a matter of very personal interest to many of us, since it is Jews universally who are targets of this lethal hate syndrome of the death cult that this Muslim Brotherhood offshoot has proudly nursed while advertising it to the world at large. 

The terrorist group took videos of the atrocities they committed against families still in their pre-dawn beds in towns and villages close to the border with Gaza, when they broke the fence separating Israel from Gaza in a number of places allowing terrorists on motorcycles, in trucks and SUVs to drive through to these kibbutzes and villages to 'surprise' the residents there and at a nearby music festival.

Hundreds of Israelis were slaughtered, tormented and mutilated, women and girls raped, children murdered, and soldiers whose bases were also invaded were killed and taken hostage into Gaza along with civilian men, women and children in a broad sweep of horrifying barbarity. It is amply clear from the videos portraying these hate-filled atrocities that Palestinian civilians accompanied the uniformed terrorists to advantage themselves as well of the opportunity to take part in the slaughter.
Since then, to my horror and disbelief, there has been an upswelling of support for Hamas in cities across the world. Palestinians and others from the region who migrated to the West were out in force and have been for days, celebrating the savagery visited on Jews in Israel, chanting 'death to the Jews' and 'gas them'. 

This appalling joy in the horrendous slaughter of other human beings is an outrage to civilized humanity. What's more these are people who live amongst us, and who view Jews anywhere and everywhere as ripe for death. This atrocity-approving element of humanity for whom justice and morals are concepts unknown desecrate communities with their presence.

The near-total silence of the various faith communities failing to condemn the horrors that unfolded a week ago in Israel leaves Jews stunned and disbelieving, but perhaps it shouldn't. And that is a painful admission, that when Jews are concerned, many have no interest in getting 'involved' in decrying the worst excesses of vicious human wretchedness that can be devised in our inhumanity to one another.

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