Saturday, June 3, 2023

Yesterday evening saw the culmination of the heat wave we've been sweltering under this week. We had two floor fans spinning hot, humid air through the family room. Irving always aims them directly for Jackie and Jillie. They seem to feel the effects of the heat more than we do, though oddly never while they're out in the ravine going through the forest trails. When we sit out on the deck, they state their preferences clearly; indoors for them, thank you very much.

It really did seem hot yesterday the second day of 34C, humid and unrelieved by the hot breath of a wind that conspired with the temperature to make things sizzle. Which called for a change in menu. In honour both of summer and of the melting-grade heat. Because it was Friday -- Tra-dition! -- we still had chicken soup prefacing our main course, fortified with lots of parsley from the backyard garden.

Instead of a hot and heavy cooked meal, we opted for something lighter and definitely cooler. Caesar salad, it seemed to us, fulfilled that descriptive, though I forgot to make croutons to go with it. Fresh vegetables, with steamed cauliflower and broiled chicken breast cut into squares worked very nicely. Refreshing and nourishing and good-tasting, just as the chef promised.

There was a good stiff breeze moving through the house last night and we all slept soundly, in comfort. That same condition prevailed in the morning. When we ventured out first thing into the backyard the thermometer read a full ten degrees cooler than it had the same time the morning previous. The cooling breeze made it even more pleasant as did the sun that is captured in our backyard at any time of day.

For the first time in over three weeks Irving decided it was time to venture out with us to the ravine, his foot sufficiently healed to commit to a lengthy ravine hike. It was my impression we'd do a short circuit for his first time out, but conditions were so alluring and he said it felt so good to feel the ground of the forest floor through his hiking boots he felt compelled to continue, and so we ended up taking our time and doing a long loop through the trails, enjoying every minute of it.

We noticed that it wasn't only the raspberry canes that were bursting with flowers, the most we've ever seen in any spring, but now the blackberry canes are also beginning to flower. Today was the first time we saw dragonflies darting about. Robins were singing happily, enraptured with spring, and nuthatches were heard now and again, so we knew chickadees couldn't be far off.

Now, when dogs gave sight of Irving they were  rewarded by nuzzling  him for cookies, unlike the weeks when, seeing me, they assumed he was with me only to discover the cruel trick that I had no cookies to offer them. The weather conditions were just so perfect, the day was brilliant and comfortable, and we fully appreciated our good fortune. 

Back home again, we sat out awhile in the front garden. I puttered about a bit, planting the three little flats of portulaca that had been set aside until the heat front passed. Did a little weeding and a little watering, and we enjoyed the sight of the garden pots beaming with pleasure back at us, their colourful inhabitants soaking up the sun and the warmth of life.

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