Monday, June 12, 2023

There is never a day when we don't discover something new in the forest. It's only one element, that of pleasant surprise, that draws us into the ravine for a daily tramp on forest trails with our two little dogs. People largely fail to understand the benefits of being in a green, wild space, to the human psyche. It is balm to the soul, serene, restful and a source of both entertainment and information about nature and our place within the great out-of-doors.

Of course, Irving and I were always inclined to green spaces. Throughout our lives we've actively and deliberately sought them out, as fulfilling, pleasurable destinations. From the time we were inseparable as children together, accessing green landscapes was as vital to us as visiting local libraries. We just took it for granted that our lives gained quality from that exposure.

Well, yes, we also spent time with friends. Attended community events like weekly dance nights. And together explored the city where we lived, Toronto. When we were married, our honeymoon destination was a lodge not far from Algonquin Park-- Cedar Grove Lodge. There was a lake on the lodge property, and cabins interspersed among mature trees. And a large building where meals were served. It was a brief idyll for us, and we were to visit Algonquin Park countless times over the years.

Now, at our age, we're grateful to have a natural forest in close walking distance of our house. Access to the forest represents a large quality-of-life quotient for us, as it does for our little pups, Jackie and Jillie. They're acutely aware of our daily routines and know precisely when it's time -- although the time differs from day to day-- for all of us to set out for our daily ramble through the forest trails.

Today we saw cinquefoil in bloom for the first time. And noted an abundance of wild blackberry flowers, promising a huge crop of berries this summer. Before concluding our circuit, we went by the forest meadow, and there were huge colonies of buttercups, daisies, flowering clover and thimbleberry shrubs in bloom. Early this morning the house interior was dark in the throes of a morning rain. But the clouds did clear, and the sun arrived to dry the rain.

The garden was delighted with this turn of events. Everything is thriving; the proper elements all cooperating resulting in bright colours and healthy plants; form, texture and nuanced colour in abundance. Each time we glance out the doors to the outside, the garden landscape captures our eyes; it's like standing before a beautiful painting.

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