Thursday, May 25, 2023

The last test as it were, of the success of my April eye surgery to remove a cataract from my right eye took place today. I had an 11:30 a.m. appointment with the optometrist who had confirmed my need for cataract surgery and had connected me to the surgical clinic that would perform the removal and lens replacement. This was in fact, the third examination post-surgery -- the first two took place at the surgery clinic, and this represented the final one. 
The eye is completely healed and the adjustment to the new lens complete, so the purpose of this appointment was twofold; to check the physical condition of the eye and to prescribe appropriate new lenses. The first was speedily done, and I was shown the resulting photos (not very glamorous), and then the new prescription was worked out. The test for my vision acuity confirmed that my long-range vision is good. And for that reason I have no need to wear glasses constantly.
I was previously prescribed bifocals but their use is questionable for me since the only time I wear eyeglasses is for reading or computer use. In fact, the last prescription I was given years ago changed little in this exercise; the lens that dates from that earlier prescription I was informed, is more than adequate to my needs. But the optometrist also prescribed a lens solely for computer/reading use, and that's what I opted for.
All this was efficiently handled to the extent that I was in and out of the examining room in no time at all. It set us back no more than an hour in total, driving there and back, and including the examination. Jackie and Jillie accompanied us, Irving deciding to wait in the car for me, alongside the two pups on a cool but beautifully sunny, breezy morning. We don't ever have to go far within this community to find resources to satisfy all of our needs.

From first thing this morning, Jackie had been behaving oddly. He acted as though he was being haunted, nervously licking his back end. Irving surmised he had been bitten by an insect when we were out in the ravine for our hike yesterday. Out with Jackie and Jillie later going through the forest trails he continued to stop constantly in irritation at that same spot, licking it furiously. Later we found a pinprick scab at the site, so that cleared up that mystery. Eventually his frantic licking subsided.

The trails were completely dry today, bearing no resemblance whatever to the soaked surfaces we were met with yesterday afternoon after an all-night rain that continued well into the morning until noon brought out the sun. Today too, as in previous days for the past several weeks, we came across familiar dogs who when they see us, rush directly for us and look around for Irving for cookie handouts. Hate to disappoint them, Irving will make up for it when he's comfortable again striding through the forest.

When we returned Irving had taken all the pots and flats containing the annuals we'd bought yesterday when we returned to the Cleroux greenhouses. This time zinnias and more marigolds were among the begonias and lobelia and petunias we'd brought home with us. And we spent another pleasant hour or so planting them, filling up the garden pots and the gardens themselves with more colour. All that's left now is the planting for the backyard, and that'll be done another day or two from now.

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