Thursday, December 19, 2019

When our two puppies were out in the backyard yesterday after their dinner they indulged themselves in the usual runabouts after one another and just exuberant about life, about their happiness, about being in the snow, about feeling good, and forgetting in the process to do their business. And then, suddenly, when they prepared to do just that, they froze. One, then the other began piteously lifting tiny paws. The cold had penetrated.

Into the house they went for a brisk rub-down. And we realized the next time they went out, it would be even colder than the -17C that had struck them immobilized. We knew they'd have to be fully dressed to be able to withstand the cold, the wind and be comfortable enough to prepare for bedtime. And that's just what we did when the time came -- on with the woolly sweaters and the little boots, and everything was just fine.

In the morning when we prepared to begin the day, the first order of business being having them out to the backyard to relieve themselves, on came the boots and the sweaters again, since the temperature was now just a tad above -21C. Not much of a wind, but you don't need much of a wind at that level of freezing cold to make everything feel more bitter.

Gradually the temperature rose until in mid-afternoon it sat at -15C, and we prepared to launch ourselves into the great outdoors once again. This time we prepared ourselves to meet the icy-cold that had settled in for the day, tucking sweaters under our jackets. We'd long ago bought tiny baby socks and never used them. Now was the time. The wee socks went over wee and tender pads and over the socks their little rubber boots fit very nicely.

We had retrieved Button's winter coat for Jillie because she's such a little tank her own winter coat wasn't loose enough to take a woolly sweater under it without bursting open repeatedly. Jackie's skinny little frame leaves plenty of room for woolly sweater and jacket firmly in place. So then we were all prepared and ready to set out. And then we did, hauling up the hoods on our jackets this time for additional protection from cold and wind, and set off for the ravine.

Bundled in all that gear we thought Jackie and Jillie might feel somewhat restrained, but nothing of the kind. Off they gamboled down the first long hill that takes us into the ravine, and turning left as we mostly tend to do, they took the first of the trails we would embark upon for the circuit for this day. This also just happened to be a sunny day after the initial overcast, though the forest interior was still dusky, although illuminated by the snow, not the sun.

Cold be damned, there are some habits that insist on being recognized, respected and repeated ad infinitum, and that's precisely what we tend to do. Walking a tad more briskly this afternoon, to be sure, but enjoying it all; the firm footing on the snow-and-ice-tamped trails, secure enough that we could stride with complete confidence in our hillside ascents and descents. Taking pleasure watching the antics of our little dogs, appreciating the brief periods when the sun was able to penetrate the snowy canopy, and basking in the beauty of our surroundings.

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