Monday, December 23, 2019

Today is one of those days that comes around with astounding regularity. Particularly so when it's routine. Which Monday is for me, representing the day of the week that I do a thorough housecleaning. When we awoke this morning we peeked at the temperature gauge, another constant habit as soon as we go downstairs. Just above freezing, with a robust wind waving trees around.

Each time I opened one of the house doors to shake out a duster or the dusting mop there was an light, enchanting patter of ice shattering as it fell from the trees. A regular cadence of a delicate sound. One could almost hear the trees and shrubs breathe a huge sigh of relief at being rescued from the thrall of the all-encompassing ice, left over from the last fairly modest snowfall mixed with freezing rain.

The snow and ice on the driveway, on our walkways, on our deck and stairs was dripping, everything was being freed up. In the near distance there was the more familiar sound of someone nearby chopping away at the ice presumably glazing their driveway. The temperature soared, as the hours went by, to an overheated 5C while the wind waned.

We had the occasional peek of sun blazing through a pewter cloud cover, but then it gave up and surrendered its presence to the more belligerent blanket of cloud. And that's when the atmosphere turned very dark, enough so to turn on the occasional lamp. It looked ready to rain, but nothing came down. It just stayed darkly overcast -- and mild.

No boots for Jackie and Jillie this afternoon, as we set off for the ravine. It's distressing to see, at this time of year, just a few days officially into winter, that the snowpack is once again disappearing. The creek was in full flood, meltwater rushing downstream, and I wondered how the small goldfish were faring.

The only person we saw out on an upper trail was a friendly woman we've seen several times before, with her beautiful dog, anxious for her to throw another stick for it to retrieve. A Wiemaranar, its conformation is striking, and its graceful movement beautiful to watch. This is one of the few dogs we come across that Jackie and Jillie refrain from barking it.

The warmth and the melting conditions have released all manner of 'interesting' odours attracting our two little dogs' attention, persuading them to wander off hither and yon to delve a little deeper into the woods because for them it's discovery time, and for us good reason to be wary and mindful of what the little devils are up to.

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