Tuesday, March 13, 2018

We're Canajuns, eh! So while elsewhere in the world where winter-weary residents are preparing to welcome spring's arrival with fond thoughts of gardens and beaches, we're still reaching for our shovels. Well, so what?

We are Canadians, after all, weather-tough and managing to weather tough weather; oops! there's that W-word that features so prominently in the Canadian narrative. So be it!

Certainly, yet another (series) of snowfalls has us reaching for our shovels. But where else can the pleasure of viewing freshfallen snow renewing the landscape be as common a sight as here in Canada? Yup, Norway maybe, Iceland, Russia, et al. But do they feast on the sun-days we also have in such great abundance? Sun and snow, a wonderful combination, raising the spirits and endowing the landscape with incomparable beauty

So that's what greeted our eyes this morning, snow falling gently to cover the abundance of snow collected over this winter that has begun its long period of melt, before spring's arrival. Snow that had already given us a light, lofty comforter to cling to everything it touches. Snow waiting to be moved aside so that we and our little dogs have access to the places requiring they be freed of snow. Leaving the rest to accumulate and grow.

Shovelling snow, getting out in the snowy landscape to ski, snowshoe, sled, skate, or just plain amble along on forest trails, all geared to a healthy lifestyle. That's us.

Yesterday was no exception, and nor will today be, as we head out to our adjacent forested ravine for our usual tramp in the winter woods with our little dogs, preparing to come across others in our community doing the same with their own companion dogs. Life is good.

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