Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Routine, reflecting the familiar the expected and a reassurance that all is well, was somewhat upset for us yesterday. We had to cram a lot of things into the morning hours in light of an appointment downtown for the afternoon, so instead of taking our leisure time throughout the morning, we were infinitely more efficient about things. Almost reminiscent of that time before our retirement from the active paid workforce.

Of primary importance to us always is to ensure that Jackie and Jillie have the opportunity to get out into nearby natural surroundings to amble about and frolic to their hearts' content; an integral part of our quotidian routine for us as well, for the enjoyment it provides us.

And since we set out for our ravine hike on a relatively mild penultimate February day with full sun in a gloriously blue sky, our pleasure was multiplied yesterday. Puzzlingly, though we know that many people prefer their recreational time hiking through the forest in the morning hours, throughout our lengthy circuit of over an hour we briefly came across only two other people with their dogs, besides ourselves.

It makes sense that everything looks a little different at various times of the day. Since we're accustomed to going out in the afternoon for our woodland rambles, the sun is in a far different place in the sky in the morning, and radiates through the forest canopy quite differently, creating a picturesque variant on the landscape we know so well.

There's much to be said for scheduling a block of time in the morning for leisure hours tramping through the woods in all seasons. It begins the day beautifully, adding to mood and optimism that the hours to follow will be just as interesting and useful, though engaged differently. Habit too is a powerful motivator, however, and as it happens we've accustomed ourselves to finishing up each day's chores whatever they happen to be, before venturing out with our little companions to engage in the pure, unadulterated pleasure hiking through a natural setting affords us, that never fails to surprise and delight.

In actual fact, it hardly makes much difference which part of the day is set aside for something so important to our well being, as long as we're able to continue to enrich our lives making the most of our good fortune to be living so close to such a wonderful gift of nature.

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