Friday, February 23, 2018

Approaching the final week of this winter's February we've been treated to a real array of weather conditions. But then, forecasting weather in this part of the world is a mug's game; sometimes weather forecasters are right on the button and at other times they wobble on the edge of confused uncertainty. Plenty to be uncertain about this year.

But yesterday brought us a mix of just about everything minus precipitation in any form, unlike today where freezing rain will take up a good part of the day. There was heavy overcast interspersed with sunny intervals yesterday, some wind and relatively mild temperatures hovering around -2C, so nothing whatever to complain about.

And because of those conditions we came across far more of our ravine-walking friends than we normally do. Since they're accompanied by canine companions our two had frequent social opportunities come their way. At one point there was about six people standing around talking in a group with their dogs carousing all about in the snow. Dogs from the size of Benjie a Bernese mountain dog; though still a puppy his heft is twice or more that of the two Irish setters, and a Portuguese water dog, three Border collies and our two pipsqueak Poodles.

As some departed others kept coming along to excite those remaining. sporting about in a wide circle where their people stood together in conversation bringing one another up to date on community news.

Trying to photograph them grappling with one another, chasing about and having a playfully good time is more than my camera is capable of, unfortunately, but it does comprise a sight that is hugely entertaining and good for the soul.

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