Monday, July 24, 2017

Ever impetuous, volatile nature has returned us to what has become most familiar to us in this region over this past spring and well into the summer months; an ongoing deluge of never-ending rain. Rain has returned, after we had enjoyed a brief return to weather-event normalcy. A spate of days with no more serious rain events than mere sprinklings here and there under sometimes-cloudy, but often sunny skies.

And now, stiff winds allied with the rain drive it toward the house, and onto everything below, saturating the ground again and weighting down all growing things in the garden. Flower stalks have been humbled with the weight of the rain, bowing their heads to the ground.

We've been forecasted to receive between 30 to 40 mm of rain today so it would appear that we'll be bypassing our usual ravine walk today. Even our forest-trail-loving little puppies balk at exposure to driving rain, happy to forego a day's adventure to remain dry indoors. They've already hunkered down, not very much appreciating their first outing in the backyard this morning, to return indoors drenched to the skin.

The house interior is dim as only a heavily overcast, rainy day can guarantee. So, early as it is, lights are turned on to be able to negotiate our way about. The lack of sun and cooler temperatures, a far cry from that which we've been exposed to in the last several days, has also ensured that the interior house temperature is cool, humid, and not particularly pleasantly so.

How pleasurable it would be, and useful, to be able, by some mysterious force of collective imagining to direct that rain and divert it from this part of Canada to the distance it would take to effectively water and douse the hundreds of wildfires devastating the interior of British Columbia!

The thousands of evacuees and the determined firefighters would applaud such an event. Those people who have been given permission to return to 100 Mile House have also been warned that there is a possibility they will once more be ordered to evacuate, should the situation once again reverse itself.

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