Friday, February 3, 2017

Anyone suffering the effects of late winter depression can do something for themselves by forgetting, temporarily at least, that shut-in feeling the winter doldrums brings and actually get out there, not in a vehicle heading from where they are to somewhere else, popping into a shop for something then driving back home again, but by getting out into a winter landscape.

And in that winter landscape, walk about. Find yourself engaged with nature and with winter. The air is brisk, but if you've dressed for the occasion you won't mind. Breathe deeply and appreciate the clean feel of fresh air in your lungs, expanding your chest. Look around and appreciate the living things that settle themselves into winter mode; deciduous trees bare of foliage, and conifers draped with vestiges of the last snowfall.

Look at the breadth and depth of the landscape. All the featured details that without attention would never be noticed. And appreciate that your presence is simply, however briefly, a part of that landscape.

While you're at it, have a good, brisk walk. Feel the freedom of your limbs propelling you along.

Imagine yourself young again and how good it felt when you were young to anticipate snowfalls and all the winter fun awaiting you. Imagine yourself thinking then that one day you would fail to feel the same way about a season meant to be recognized as an opportunity to have fun.

That's when your imagination comes to a full halt.

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