Sunday, January 1, 2017

December 2016 came close to setting a record for snowfall. It didn't quite hit a record high but close enough. During December, snow events often don't have a lasting effect at ground level; milder weather eventuates intermittently reducing the snowpack. This year, though we did have occasional days of freezing rain and even one of plain rain at mid-month, and so, most of the snowpack simply kept accumulating. It was a densely white, very much so, Christmas.

Our neighbours who decorate for Christmas usually keep their coloured lights aglow up until New Year's, and some of them beyond that date, loathe to extinguish them for the dark nights of deep winter. But the dark nights of deep winter are actually a bit of a myth. Once snow covers the ground the reflection of the white coverlet helps to illuminate the area. And bright lights from the city centre beyond where we live influence the sky. So that, on occasion there are nights where the sky blushes alight with a uniform pink or pale plum colour.

Last night was one of the pink nights. All day it had snowed again with a daytime high of minus-9C. Abetted by a stiff wind, it was a challenge we didn't meet. The ongoing, blustering snow and the cold kept us with our little dogs from our usual ravine walk. For one thing new snow on such a cold day presents their little paws with a challenge and they would have to wear those dreaded Mukluks on their paws to keep them warm.

Though our youngest son, with us for the week, did use the occasion to enjoy skiing in the ravine where the trails were as yet undisturbed other than for the tracks he made himself on the pristine white carpet.

Last night at midnight I went out briefly with the puppies before retiring for the night (we were viewing the film "Mr. Turner"), and saw with fascination that the sky was bright with pink depth while snow was still descending, although the wind had abated and the temperature had risen to minus-7C.

A beautiful night to usher in a new year. And so it was that 2017 arrived with pomp and ceremony in the celestial atmosphere crowning the sky.

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