Wednesday, January 18, 2017

At this time of year throughout the winter season of cold and wind, I always hesitate about giving Jackie and Jillie haircuts. Two weeks ago we had a surprisingly mild weather day so we bathed them and felt fine about it. They were well towelled, and afterward ran around the house like like crazies, and so dried off nicely right down to their innards.

Jillie, post-haircut
Yesterday morning it seemed, looking out from inside the house, to be shaping up to be yet another one of those modestly moderate weather days. And since the two little tramps scamps looked fairly dishevelled, which brushing their haircoats did little to improve, I knew, reluctantly, that it was time for haircuts.

They do know, when they see me assembling the tools I use, the little 'barrel' containing a variety of scissors, brushes, and a bag to contain much of what I cut away, that they're in for an ordeal. I knew of course, that I too was preparing for an ordeal that I would have to endure regardless. Jillie more or less submits to the outrage of having her hair groomed, but Jackie doesn't make an effort to hide his dismay.
Jackie, having survived his haircut
He struggles and protests and makes the enterprise as frustratingly difficult as possible. But eventually they were both done, and they looked far more presentable. I had told myself I wouldn't snip much off, to ensure they were well insulated against the outdoor cold, but as usual once I proceed I just keep going. Their haircoat grows so impressively swiftly in between these sessions.

They were dressed for the usual jaunt in the ravine, with sweater, coat and halter. But when we arrived in the forest it didn't take long to realize that though the thermometer read minus-1 C, the icy wind, the overcast sky and the humidity permeating the atmosphere made it seem much, much colder. Still, they didn't seem to mind and went about their sniffing business as usual.

Excitedly greeting one of their friends, Lilly, a patient, white German Shepherd out for her daily constitutional, just like them.

Jackie (left), Jillie (centre) and Lilly (forefront)

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