Monday, November 14, 2016

Last fall I was knocked sideways with disbelief when a young, self-obsessed man with great ambitions to achieve power, with a penchant for expressing admiration for the tactics and techniques of world leaders on the right to bring their specific ideas of order and good governance to bear fruit, a man seemingly in arrested juvenile behaviour mode addicted to taking selfies and sharing his beaming countenance with admirers, took office as Prime Minister of Canada.

On taking office his primary focus was to erase most of the signature legislation of the alternate political party of weight in Canada, carried through by the previous government by a man whose intelligence and capability to administer both the internal and external affairs of the country was beyond dispute. Justin Trudeau took office when Liberal-left politics took their turn trumping the efficacy of a thoughtful and principled predecessor and Canada saw no more of Stephen Harper.

My granddaughter, a senior then at a rural high school not far from the nation's capital, was thrilled when Justin Trudeau as leader of the Liberal Party of Canada before becoming prime minister, visited her school and amiably smiled his way through photographs with adoring teen-age girls. She has moved on since then, now a third-year university student, identifying with the ideological program of Hillary Clinton's Democratic nemesis, Bernie Sanders.

A year after my profound disbelief at the ascendancy to the prime ministership of Justin Trudeau, a personality-reverse of Trudeau but sharing that inbred obsessive narcissism, with even grimmer characteristics of outspoken stupidity and ignorance of global affairs, let alone the laws and complex issues of his own country turned politics in America inside out to become the first elected bona-fide ignoramus -- vastly outdistancing Jimmy Carter -- to become president of the United States of America.

My personal incredulity at this circus barker's success in convincing enough disgruntled Americans, mostly white but not entirely, middle-class and blue-collar men and women despite his proudly credentialed misogyny and bigoted racism to vote him into office, is boundless.

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