Tuesday, February 16, 2016

It was a perfectly respectable looking eggplant, smooth, perfect colour but when I cut into it preparatory to slicing it for an eggplant casserole I had planned, the interior was brown. Well, I had the spinach I was preparing to go with it, and a tomato sauce I'd made, so I thought I'd turn dinner around and make a Lasagne dish instead. And I also thought that since this would be a stay-home day why not bake cookies as well?

So I prepared a batch of plain cookie dough and stuck it in the refrigerator. And then I turned my attention to Jack and Jill, both of whom had become quite fuzzy, needful of a haircut, but postponed while the temperature outside was so icy-cold. That has taken a turn, however. Yesterday's high of minus 9 has turned into today's high of minus 3. But that minus 3 has come with snow, lots of it. There are reports on the news of regular bus routes now 40 minutes late and double buses jack-knifing in the new storm that nature has gifted us with.

Irving went out to shovel. First the walkways in the back, because our little dogs were floundering, the snow up to their chests. And he decided he'd just proceed with shovelling everything out, the driveway, the front walkways. This while snow was tumbling through the atmosphere at breakneck speed; as soon as he cleared an area it swiftly became plugged with snow again, but he persisted. It will be less to shovel the second time around when the storm finally abates.

In this storm with snow whipping about everywhere, the birds and squirrels seem less inclined to gather at the feeders, though a few doves have assembled as well as a few hardy squirrels. These are the frequent visitors that hardly make an effort to absent themselves when one of us is in their near proximity, and we're glad to see them.

I set about giving our two little black rascals haircuts, and it took quite a while. First Jillie, and then Jackie. Jackie thinks that order is fine; he's happy when Jillie is getting her hair cut, not so thrilled when it's his turn. But they needed those haircuts and look somewhat more groomed now. Each time I groom them I moan inwardly over Jackie's bony little frame. I'd be thrilled if some of Jillie's robust frame transmitted itself to Jackie. They eat the same amount, but he is more inclined to being restless and a roustabout than she is, and I suppose that's the result; a high-energy little fellow who just doesn't put on any weight.

After that I rolled out the cookie dough half into rounds, the other half into rounds with centres cut out, then spread a little raspberry jam on the bottom of the full rounds, topping that off with slices of unpeeled apple I had pre-poached with brown sugar and cinnamon in the microwave. The centre-out rounds placed on top and pressed down, they went into a moderate oven for 12 minutes.

No ravine walk for us today in this storm, unfortunately. As energetic as Jackie and Jillie are, and as long and strong as their legs are for their size, the amount of snow covering the forest floor now, and even gathering in greater depth, would be too difficult for them. We'll all find it easier to plod along the trails in the new snow, when the trail has been packed by the trail-breaking prowess of younger people than we are.

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