Thursday, April 23, 2015

Her voice sounds quite, quite different. Almost light-hearted. Happy. Satisfied that the dreaded exams are now finished, done with. Her first year at university under her belt. All that studying, nose-to-the-grindstone -- and it was, though she took time out to draw herself away from the tension by regular visits to Hart House -- over until fall of 2015 returns her to Toronto once again.

She now knows her away around part of downtown Toronto, the part she feels at home in. From her university residence on Chestnut Street to the campus grounds, and beyond, where she decided proximity required no more than dedicated walking, rather than reliance on public transit, weather be damned.

She won't be returning to the residence come fall, however. She and two other students, her friends, have decided they'll rent together and see how that works out. One of them was her roommate this year, who has already returned to Moscow. Though she admits she'd prefer having her own little space all to herself alone. That too may come eventually. Correction: it most certainly will be in her future for a period of time, at least.

Of the courses she took it seems that history was of the greatest interest to her, though psychology wasn't far behind. She thought the history professor led the students through areas that would be of future value to them all. She'll eventually be studying law, since it's criminal law that she is particularly invested in.

I've always told her any new information she gleans from any sources represents a valuable addition to her pool of knowledge, however irrelevant it may seem. She never did agree, even when she was younger, but I stand by my contention.

Any time I read anything interesting about human nature, the law and new findings, I tend to relate them to her. I know that domestic violence is an issue that interests her, and mentioned a new U.S. study that finds it is on the decrease, and when I told her that, she snorted derisively.

She'll make a fine lawyer.

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