Friday, March 13, 2015

We're at that point in the season where we're poinging from spring back to winter again, and today has been one of those winter days. Not anything, mind, like the numbingly frigid days we had in February, but in the same token not much like the mild temperature and full sun we experienced yesterday and the past few days before, when walking up the snow-cleared street to the ravine entrance was a pleasure, clear blue sky above.

It was a pleasure today too, but the road is once again thick with snow and the temperature is decidedly colder, thanks to a cold weather system that trekked in last night greeting us then when we ventured out last thing before turning in for the night, with snow-pebbles. On the other hand, the cold isn't more than we can stand, and the fresh-fallen snow creates its own brightness despite the lack of sun today.

Better still, we had a delightful walk with Jack and Jill since all the detritus has been nicely buried in the swiftly accumulating thick blanket of new snow so they weren't given to continually leaping forward to swiftly take possession every few seconds of some new gustatory challenge we'd prefer they not ingest. And I believe they appreciated the quality of the walk as well, where we weren't constantly chiding them and gently pulling back on the leash in frustrated efforts to keep them from eating the kind of roughage they don't really need.

We came across one of our ravine friends walking his dog, and Jack and Jilly were beyond delighted to meet up with Jasper again. Jasper is a part pitbull, part retriever, part German Shepherd and he's a sweetheart of a dog. He's five years old, patient and good-tempered, always happy to see us, and prepared to cut our two little imps plenty of slack.

So yes, the walk today in the ravine, with snow piling on, was gorgeous beyond description.

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