Friday, January 16, 2015

Where the little black imps are concerned certain things are self evident. When we hear a snarling hum we know they're tumbling over one another in a knot of black hair, teeth and claws. When there is silence they are busily being little devils involved in anything conspiratorial like dragging a roll of toilet paper off its cardboard roll, demolishing a perfectly good winter boot, or trying to figure out why the telephone doesn't instantly fall from its fairly secure perch, despite their best efforts. Not that they don't sometimes succeed.

What?! Those shoelaces are delicious!
We have learned that it is impossible to sneak up on the little scoundrels when all is quiet and we search for the reasons. Even if, as happens, they've decided they're tired and need some nap-time, and we quietly peek around the corner to see what they're up to, they're instantly alert to our presence, even if that presence represents a small portion of our heads, eyes searching for their whereabouts. They wake instantly, eyeing us, wondering what we're up to, and immediately abandon their blessed rest positions to race after us, and we think: why did we bother?

Heavenly companionship
Before daylight, when we awake and they can sense that, they're immediately awake too, and begin their barely-discernible whining to be let out of their bedroom crate to begin the daily protocol preparing them for another day of contesting our patience with their unbridled curiosity and antic acrobatics.

We are making some progress in the feeding department. Jack wolfs his kibble down faster than Jill does, even if I give him a tad more to try to plump him up to her weight. And when his bowl has been licked clean he immediately used to try to raid hers, while she was herself eating from her bowl. He no longer does that, thanks to our manoeuvres to keep him away; no longer required. Oh well, it's best to remain vigilant about that, as with other matters they have yet to learn and respond to.

Now, on occasion they will decide to settle down separately, each selecting a different bed, but in sight of one another. They mostly snuggle up to one another at nap time, but Jack is now perfectly coordinated and confident about leaping onto the love seat, so he may snuggle up on the love seat, in a corner, and Jill, not yet able to take that leap in imagination, will settle into a bed close by. Mostly, they continue to jam their bodies into one another in rest.

What would they do without the comfort and reassurance of their tandem? Thank heavens, the upgrading and security of their playpen is almost complete. The sides have been made stronger with the addition of a wood top rail, and the top, meant to be hinged, just has to have the wire added before it will be complete.

A blur of black fur racing the playpen perimeter

And at that time their voluntary entry into the playpen will be complemented by our placing them there when we have to leave the house, with the assurance that they will be safe there from any outcome of danger their mischief might expose them to.

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