Because the temperature was set to plunge yet again from the morning's minus-2 degrees we thought it a good idea to go straight out to the ravine with Jack and Jill for an earlier walk than usual, particularly on a Monday when I set about cleaning the house. Yesterday the house-cleaning took place a little later, after a leisurely walk in the forest, taking advantage of the still-reasonable atmosphere, though truth to tell it was also damp and there was an icy wind, both of which conditions were ameliorated as soon as we descended into the ravine.
This, their third time on the leash and walking along a forest trail, was not yet an improvement on their earlier forays when they balked at being on leash, confused by the sudden appearance of constraints on their freedom of movement. But we took our time, allowing them to sniff about and grab the occasional irresistible stick, while we later brought their attention back to the matter at hand and proceeded. Eventually they'll get the idea.
So what's going on? It's cold out here! |
It also means that we've got to be alert to ensuring they don't sniff around or worse, lick the usually canine meeting posts where urine generally marks each dog's message that he's been there and sorry he missed you but better luck next time. Since our little Jack and Jill haven't yet had their third immunization shots, scheduled toward the end of the month.
We're just tussling, everything cool.... |
We did come across quite a few of our ravine acquaintances walking their dogs, everyone happy about the temporary lifting of the extreme cold, not wanting to miss the pleasure of just enjoying the sublime sight of trees packed in snow, a landscape of surpassing beauty, while swinging along the trails, grateful to have this marvellous natural area at our disposal.
Again, because we're supposed to keep our two isolated from other dogs until fully immunized we picked them up whenever we and they were around other dogs. The other dogs, needless to say, were interested in what we held aloft in our arms, and eager to smell them, making their neighbourly acquaintance; the curiosity more than reciprocated by our two, and a level of greetings was exchanged.
What ... no walk in the ravine today? |
All the dogs walked in the ravine are well-mannered and extremely well socialized. They are tenderly polite, but for the very young specimens, and exuberantly pleased at the opportunity romping through the ravine affords them. Our two will soon enough join them in their daily jaunts, but not quite yet; they're too young, and the return of frigid temperatures auger against it for the time being.
No walk today, however. The temperature did plunge, down to minus-26-degrees last night, the high for today minus-17. The sun is out, though, and it's beautifully bright as well as icily cold.
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