Tuesday, July 15, 2014

After so many years of cleaning the house windows and the window screens in the spring, it finally dawned on me that this was not the best time to do that kind of thing. Invariably, soon after cleaning the screens I would see them begin to gather up pollen and seeds from the annual event of the evergreens and poplars sending out their seed pods in fluffy, airier-than-air puffs that would gather once again on the screens.

Since it was raining this morning and fairly cool it seemed as good a time as any to tackle the job. No risk of pollen and seeds going amok now. And so, after preparing a batch of creamy cole slaw to go with our dinner for tonight, and a batch of cookies to give my husband something to nibble on after he has his watermelon dessert this evening, I set about gathering all the cleaning materials I would need and proceeded to tackle the job.

There was enough of a clearing in the rain for us to decide to go out for our usual daily ravine ramble, taking with us a rainjacket for Riley and cool enough for us to wear our own into the ravine. Just as well we were nicely covered, for the mosquitoes coveted our tender flesh. On our way to the ravine, an assemblage of crows that had been roosting on the street-light standards cawed their triumph over patience and followed us as we dispensed peanuts -- for the squirrels who, when so many crows are about hustle a bit to get their fair share.

I'd left the window-and-screen-cleaning half done in choosing to take the advantage of a lull in the rain. So when we returned, there was the other half of the job awaiting my notice. I noticed. Took pleasure in noting how much cleaner it looked glancing out the window. And lingered to enjoy the view from the library over the garden and seating arrangement below it, along with the different perspective from the dining room windows.

And gathered whatever enthusiasm had waned, and completed the job. Confusing Riley no end, since he fully anticipated that I would be sitting down with him on the sofa, to read the newspapers.

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