Tuesday, July 16, 2013

We are wallowing in a heat wave. Not quite record-breaking hot temperatures, but there's time yet to break records, since we're anticipating (unhappily) yet another three days of this heat-enervating weather. It may break by Friday, if we're fortunate enough. Seems there's a high-pressure system lurking over our atmosphere and it is anything but anxious to move on. And wishing won't make it so.

So far, the plants in the garden are holding their own, although in the full glare of the sun they're wilting, folding into themselves, doing their best to hide their vulnerability from the full heat blasts. Just as well that much of our gardens are in shade for the most part throughout the day. I always lament that we haven't enough sun exposure to grow plants that really love sun like asters and dahlias and roses and just about most things. I have a tendency to cram plants too close in the garden and they all vie for space, for sun and greater exposure to the soil nutrients. They're like the thoughts in my mind, continually grappling with one another for attention, and then getting confused about who is where and why.

Like my mind, my garden is disorderly but fruitful. I have no real complaints, and I do believe my garden is fairly complacent about its state of constant chaos. Which to me is beautifully expressive of life itself.

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