Sunday, September 11, 2011

One's children are precious beyond description, they never cease to inhabit their parents' thoughts and concerns. Grandchildren, on the other hand, occupy quite another, very particular place in their grandparents' inner sanctorum. What they represent has been described time and again by psychologists, social scientists, parents and grandparents themselves although the relationship, enduring and deep-seated is again, beyond mere descriptive words.

That very special bond between grandparents and grandchildren, where it exists, helps shape the most intimate recesses of a child's mind. As for the grandparents, the deepest satisfaction, for want of a better word, resides in the interaction between grandparent and grandchild. All the more so when the grandchild initiates that ongoing contact.

From the pedestrian to the most uplifting experiences shared, time exchanged between the two has a depth of meaning that reaches the deepest emotional and spiritual level, for it represents on a biological level the meaning of life itself. Time will erase the grandparents' existence but a minuscule portion of it is carried forward by the grandchild.

The timeless, endless cycle of mind and energy transference from one living organism to another, the cycle of life and nature's still-ambiguous purpose is illuminated by our puny human existence. Love transcendental.

Those who have not experienced that most elementally primal of attachments and continuum will have missed the deep meaning of life.

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