Saturday, September 3, 2011

Back to shopping once again - and have been for quite some time - at the good old supermarket that is far too small, too crammed, narrow aisles, but the selection just suits me fine, along with the prices, lower by far than all of its competitors. It's what it has made its reputation on, after all. And its title, Food Basics, adequately describes - or described - the type of products it made available to its customers.

That has changed over the years, as it has stocked up increasingly on more selections that emphasize what the consumer wants - or at least a goodly proportion of the consuming public - namely, more highly processed foods, like frozen dinners and pre-packed, pre-prepared meats and salad vegetables. Still, compared to other supermarkets, with their emphasis on selling electronics, clothing, housewares and all manner of other goods to complement the food they sell - sometimes it seems the reverse - this one represents a more comfortable fit for me.

It isn't to last, I know, since the franchisee is in the process of building a far larger structure nearby to which, in a few months' time, the store is scheduled to move. Enabling them to accommodate and introduce into their aisles and shelves, all the irritating items apart from comestibles that all the other supermarkets sell; bedding, housewares, clothing, etcetera.

The supermarket has latterly plastered its windows with signage reading "300 food items price-reduced!", which reads very nicely, but as I commented rather sourly to the store manager yesterday, those signs should be removed and replaced with others reading "600 food items price raised!", to more accurately reflect reality.

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