Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Is there anything more gratifying than the message implicit in a grandchild's communication that there is excitement and enjoyment in learning new things on a continual basis? Committing for example, to science projects? Exerting oneself to discovering amazing details of the natural world and absorbing the minutiae of scientific discoveries?

And what could conceivably be more fascinating than astrophysics, astronomy, the creation of life in the Universe? The knowledge that we are ourselves constructed of the chemicals that circulate and coalesce to form stars and other heavenly bodies. We are, then, ourselves imbued with the material of the heavens, though we are far from heavenly in our hubristic assumptions that humankind is the master of our universe. A discovery that will come to her much, much later in life...

Hi Grandma!
These are all the pictures I'm going to try to use for my poster. I'll explain what each of them are on the poster and write a little description of each underneath the photo. Most of them are artists depiction's of what each may look like, and or their actual size It's kind of impossible to explain them all through an e-mail so you should probably just enjoy the pictures Open-mouth smile The pictures consist of nebulas, supernovas, black holes, blue stars, explosions of supernovas, nuclear fusion and etc, Earth, Moons, Jupiter, Uranus, (actually not pronounced your anus, but pronounced as your-a-nus, if that makes sense), Neptune, Jupiter and its four largest moons, the Solar system, Neutron Star (that's the one with the blueish circle in the middle and the big radiation lines shooting out either end of it), actual images of a Supernova, the terrestrial planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars and our moon ), the gas giants (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune with the other planets), the planets with the sun, the sun with other giant stars, and smaller stars, and the sun compared to supergiant stars. Oh, I also learned that Jupiter has 60 moons, Uranus has 27 moons, and Neptune has 13 moons. Both Uranus and Neptune have clouds too! Love, Angie

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