Wednesday, April 17, 2024

It  was a bit unusual for us, but last week the pantry and refrigerator were so stuffed, we decided to forego our usual weekly shopping. Instead, we just dropped by Farm Boy to pick up fresh fruits and vegetables and a few dairy products and left the shopping at that. By this week it was clear we had managed to  produce an empty refrigerator calling out to be restocked. As it happened, we also had an appointment at the groomers for Jackie and Jillie.

First things first; we always take our pups out for a good recreational romp through the forest before these appointments, and then feel they're ready to be bathed and coiffed. They know the routine and recognize where we are when we pull up in the parking lot. This time they were to have a summer shave, given our return to milder weather from the winter months when their hair is left a bit longer for warmth and comfort.

When we left them there, off we went to do the shopping. And it was a whopper; we found we needed just so much to return the kitchen to a plenitude of everything to keep us hale and healthy for another week. Came to a tad under $300. That included close to $30-worth of grocery staples that we buy weekly for the area Food Bank. Returning home with both the pups and the groceries, a typical scenario ensues, where Irving trims a head of cauliflower and although by then I've given them their afternoon vegetable salad, they also yearn for bits of cauliflower, followed by one new cookie-treat apiece.

Finding a place for everything represents another challenge, but soon the refrigerator and the pantry are both full to bursting, and then my thoughts turn to dinner. A dairy meal was decided and my favourite to boot. A macaroni-and-cheese casserole would do nicely. So I cooked up some macaroni noodles, then prepared a choux into which milk, butter, flour, ground black pepper, dry mustard, shredded sharp cheddar and dried parsley along with sliced green onion went. Immersing the cooled macaroni in the choux, that represents the first layer. Over top of that went frozen green peas, then a tin of chopped-up pink salmon, another layer of noodles, and finally a sprinkle of more grated cheese topped with fried onion and into the oven it went for a slow bake.

For today's ramble through the ravine we had a brisk wind, sun and 12C temperature which felt cool enough for gloves. This time the creek ran clear, unlike yesterday when it was turbulently thick with clay and detritus, for some reason. The Mallards were absent from sight yesterday, but happily thrashing about and steaming down the watery passage today.

The trails that were so muck-slick just a few days back, to the extent that Jackie and Jillie carried thick layers of mud plastered onto their little paws, were finally beginning to dry out. Cleaning them up after our hike took no time at all, unlike the numerous passes we made with a soapy sponge earlier in the week. The forest still looks colourless, awaiting the arrival of warmer temperatures urging the growth of new foliage. 
We were approached by a beautiful Weimaraner, which we see on occasion, but he paused only briefly before rushing on again to catch up with his running companion.

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