Saturday, February 11, 2023


Well, that took no time at all. The Bell representative said it would take two to five days for the replacement modem delivery, and it arrived today.  At a time when you think, given the record of supply management, delivery problems and a not-too-concerned attitude about customer satisfaction, something comes along to snap you to attention...
I'm taking my usual break from serious cooking today. These winter weekends of cold, snow and blustery winds have a simple warming solution; hot soups full of nutritious vegetables. Yesterday we enjoyed a different kind of meal. A more traditional one of quasi-ethnic cooking. Chicken soup is obligatory for Jewish families on Friday nights, irrespective of whether they're religious-oriented or secular.
So that was first on the meal agenda yesterday. The main course took a little bit more fussing, but not a whole lot. I've set aside for the time being the usual chicken meals for Fridays and settled on ... yes, chicken, but in a somewhat different frame, as it were. We've really enjoyed fish paella on occasion, so this time it was chicken paella. Not too complicated, and full of good stuff, like vegetables, and spices, rice and chicken. The heat, provided not only by the cooking process, but the addition of hot, smoked paprika, is an excellent warm-up as are the contents. 
We've had a mostly bright day, a whole lot cooler than yesterday. In the afternoon the sun played peek-a-boo as often happens, and the sharp wind that kept lopping snow acquired overnight off the trees made the prevailing temperature seem much frostier than the thermometer revealed, at -5C. The snowpack on the forest trails was firmer than yesterday and not as difficult, but still presented a challenge.
Still, we decided to make this a bit of a longer hike than we've been taking regularly of late, and Jackie and Jillie had no complaints about that. They raced about everywhere, just overjoyed to be out in this most bracingly pleasant of environments. It's entertaining to watch them speed here and there, briefly stop, look about to see if anyone is around, then take off again.
When they did come across some of their friends, the greetings are casual and warm, particularly when Irving obliges manifold requests to begin doling out cookies. Big cookies for big dogs, tiny ones for small dogs. On the odd occasion when he fumbles and accidentally drops a bag full of cookies, they all dive for the cookies. Usually an extra one or two is extracted before Irving can rescue his stash. And on rarer occasions, a dog will simply make off with the bag, others in speedy tow.
Admittedly, it was a relief to arrive back home after an hour-ad-a-half when the wind did its utmost to ensure that we never warmed up sufficiently for total comfort. The minute we stepped into the house leaving the wind behind us, was one of profound gratitude for a comfortable, warm house. 

We cannot even begin to imagine how critical it is that we have shelter from the winter elements. Our brief forays into nature in all manner of weather conditions is all the more enjoyed with the knowledge that we can control our environment and seek out shelter at any time when we're feeling overwhelmed. 
The people in Turkey and Syria who have survived the dreadful series of earthquakes that destroyed the comfort of their homes and now must struggle to find shelter and warmth, finding themselves without comfort, lacking food and water while mourning the death of thousands, are totally exposed and their level of confidence in surviving their dreadful ordeal must be completely absent.

Back in our warm and comfortable kitchen, Jackie and Jillie waited patiently after racing madly through the house in anticipation of a treat, while I cut up their favourite vegetables for their afternoon salad. Still later, when I began putting together the constituents of a garden vegetable soup to simmer on the stove for dinner they were there again at my feet, expectantly hoping I could spare a piece of pepper, tomato, even the strawberries being prepared for dessert.

Faithful kitchen helpers that they are.

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