Wednesday, January 4, 2023

We enjoyed a very successful collaboration on a pizza with a different attitude, last night. Jordan made one for himself, while I made one for Irving and me to share. Mostly the difference was in the crust. Jordan made his of oatmeal flour, salt, water and coconut oil, while I made a yeast dough for ours with unbleached flour, yeast, salt, sugar, water and olive oil. Basically the toppings were similar; chopped garlic, pearl onion, shallot, green onion, fresh dill, tomato paste, chopped tomato, sour cream, anchovies and goat cheese. Jordan added some grated Provolone to his. We all enjoyed them, they were certainly different than what we're accustomed to.
There's a storm on its way. Overnight, for the most part. Sleet, snow, freezing rain, high winds. Air Canada emailed our son a day ago inviting him, if he wished to do so, to reschedule his flight for another day. He's due to leave tomorrow afternoon. He's decided to wait it out; if Air Canada cancels his flight, then he'll reschedule to another, but he doesn't feel the flight will be cancelled. It's a direct flight to Vancouver and he thinks there'll be no trouble taking off from Ottawa.

Environment Canada this morning advised that central Ottawa will not be affected by icy conditions, although the surrounding areas will be. We both tried to convince Jordan to reschedule for a Saturday flight, but he's stubborn and feels there's no reason to delay his flight back. Unless the air carrier decides to, and then it's a different story.

He and Irving have gone off to the library. Jordan to pick a film for us to enjoy tonight, and Irving to pick about the discarded library books, or from the books that people have donated to the library for sale by 'friends of the library'. Recycled books gladden his heart, though he steadfastly refuses himself to recycle any of our books and our home library is close to bursting.

It's another mild day, just hovering around freezing, but yet mild enough that rain is in the forecast. We set out for an afternoon  hike through the ravine and the rain hadn't yet started. Irving never leaves the house for the ravine without first stocking up on his cookie pack the dogs we come across find such edible treasures. And today was one of those days when a lot of people were out with their dogs, trying to get ahead of the storm.

One dog, an excitable fella, was so energized by the prospect of cookies he pranced and danced around us, leaping for joy while we were trying to get ourselves up one of the hills. I was so busy laughing at his antics while trying to maintain balance and stability and take photos at the same time that I succumbed to a momentary lapse in footing and fell. Which gave him the opportunity to kiss me right mid-face while I was laughing.

There was light fog above the creek, itself bursting its banks with snowmelt and rainwater. We were almost through our circuit when Jordan noticed it had begun to rain. No inconvenience really at that point, since it was light rain and we weren't far from the ravine exit at that point, and felt the pleasure of having enjoyed a lovely hour of floundering through the forest trails.

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