Wednesday, November 23, 2022


We've been seeing an odd pattern lately where early in the morning the sun is up and out, the house bathed in brilliance and then seemingly abruptly, it's gone. Clouds have moved in, giving the appearance of a snowy day, but it isn't until evening that the clouds finally let loose with flurries, nothing more. So that by mid-morning and on into the afternoon the day has decided to be densely cloudy. Cloudy days mean higher temperatures, while clear, sunny days bring colder temperatures.

We seem to be involved in a warmer trend now, after a week of -5C. Under that cloudy sky it was 2C by the time we set out for the ravine with Jackie and Jillie today. But despite the thermometer's assurance it was also damp and that made the cold much more icy feeling. So full regalia was in order for the puppies. All the more so that they've just been shed of their hair at the groomer's. Their grooming did make putting their tiny boots on a bit easier. They both head directly for the  deepest parts of the snow cover, so the boots have their distinct purpose.

The first thing Irving always does before we embark on a forest hike is to ensure that his cookie bag has been well packed, in anticipation of demands from the members of his ravine cookie club. There are days when demand is low and not many dogs are around, and then there are days when we keep coming across familiar dogs in abundance. Some walking sedately with their humans then trot over to Irving the dispenser of goodies. And others that have heard Jillie's tell-tale barks and speed halfway across the ravine, temporarily abandoning their companions for the urgent work of presenting themselves as candidates for cookie hand-outs.

We met a few dogs new to our acquaintance today. One fellow we'd never come across before, was out with a 14-month-old Retriever whom he was training to commands, using a colourful play-stick to toss into the forest interior, awaiting the dog's return with it. The companion dog to the Retriever was a tiny Maltese terrier, small enough to make Jackie and Jillie seem fairly outsized. The Maltese was bold and frisky and absolutely adorable.
There were so many dogs seeking Irving out today that his cookie store was wiped right out. He ended up giving our own puppies' tiny cookies in  handsfull instead of the usual big-dog cookies, to the late-comers. We actually dread running out of offerings because the dogs are so disappointed and disbelieving that there are no cookies left. We just made it through with the whisker of luck today. 
We had set out for our hike through the forest this afternoon at 3:40 p.m. and even then dusk was already in evidence. By the time we completed our circuit including stopping to talk now and again with some of our friends, darkness had fallen. Without the presence of snow covering the forest floor the ambience would have been even more night-like. As it was, the dark veil of night seemed light in intensity in comparison to its presentation once back at home, looking out from the inside of the house. And we're still a month from December 21. 

Last night's dinner of eggplant casserole was so good that dinner tonight called for something similar but not quite the same. The sumptuous, belly-warming richness of the tomatoes, cheese and mushrooms smothering the eggplant slices, hot-spiced just right for the critical palate makes me feel we could eat it far more often, and we will.

For today, we've got a combination of garlic, onion, jalapeno pepper, olive oil and beef cubes to which was added mushrooms, carrots and tiny golden potatoes in a gravy. We're having buckwheat groats as a base for the stew, Frenched green beans alongside, and sweet little pear slices from Portugal for dessert. Jackie and Jillie, as is usual, will offer themselves to share in the fragrant bounty, as they always do.

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