Friday, October 7, 2022

Although we signed a contract for fence replacement in the backyard in sprint, it's just as well it has taken this long for the work to commence. This way there was no interruption in spring-to summer gardening. I have visions that in pursuit of the work to be done, the fence builders will face many challenges evolving around enough room to work when an old established garden has to be disturbed for its old and wobbly fence to be replaced.

Tomorrow, we've been informed, much of the replacement fencing material will be delivered, awaiting installation. After Thanksgiving Monday, the fencing crew is slated to arrive to begin their work. We imagine it will take several days at the very least, before the work is completed. We're having it done in concert with one of our neighbours who made the original suggestion to us, since the fence between us has been succumbing to tired old age.

Not exactly looking forward to this disruption in routine. Jackie and Jillie won't like it one bit, though they'll adjust to the presence of strangers for the week they'll be around. It will be awkward going out with them, they'll be distracted and hostile at first, so it might be a problem convincing them that they can go right ahead and do their business as usual, irrespective of the presence of 'strange people'.

Irving has been doing the necessary electrical work preparation to install the two glass lanterns that were displaced as a result of his having brought a Tiffany-style lamp home with us from our trip. Now that he installed the stained glass lamp, he's had to figure out some complicating issues with the installations of the others, but he's now confident he can proceed further and get the job done.

I baked butter tarts this morning, after giving Irving the choice of blueberry tarts, cream-cheese-blueberry tarts, or butter tarts. The latter are his favourites; the other alternative will do for some other time. He also suggested since this has turned out to be a really raw fall day, that he'd welcome a potato pudding with tonight's dinner, so potato pudding it is.

We had rain, rain, rain all last night and into the morning. We needed the rain, it's been dry the past week. It was 18C yesterday at the afternoon high, whereas today the high is 9C, big difference. All the more so that we're not seeing any sun, and light rain continued to persist through the day. But it's the high winds bellowing through the atmosphere that make it a really raw day.

Which called for woolly-warm sweaters for Jackie and Jillie to prepare for our jaunt through the forest this afternoon, and warm jackets to break the wind, for us. And what a difference each day makes, in the visual presentation of the forest, this month. Colour is beginning to abound, and the changes from one day to the next are amazing. 

We were comfortable enough despite the cold and the wind. And the rain was just light sprinkles, so none of us minded. There is just so much to take our attention now, the luscious colours suddenly appearing, the forest floor thick with colourful leaves. Wind picking up loosened-stem foliage from the forest canopy and lifting them into the air, so the leaves tumbling gracefully in arcs and spirals almost look alive.

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