Thursday, August 4, 2022

Rain came pelting down during the night. And nor did it cease in the morning. And throughout the morning hours it continued. As much as Irving took care to water the half of the entire (very small size) front lawn, it was the rain that created the miracle of germination and a half-inch sprout overnight. Surprising, if not unexpected. His hard work culminating once again in a reward. One that will last as long as the interregnum between the present and the next incursion by a Bell Canada crew to again dig up the lawn.

Rain finally stopped in the early afternoon. And that's when we decided it was time to convince Jackie and Jillie to haul us out for an afternoon tramp through the ravine. A somewhat shorter haul than yesterday's extended hike. And given the theatrically threatening appearance of the sky, just as well. And just as we set foot outside, a large cloud streaked charcoal and black hovered directly overhead. 

Wait awhile until it passes, or just plunge into it? Off we went, the air thick and humid around us. In the past few days the sky was a beautiful blue hosting white puffy clouds and streaks of gossamer-white clouds, the sun streaming its beneficent rays on all it surveyed. The atmosphere was relatively dry and compared to today, in the coolish range.

When we're out in the ravine on the forest trails our attention doesn't stray much from the landscape surrounding us. As well as the habitual antics of two little black dogs sniffing assiduously to pick up the neighbourhood canine news. Occasionally racing off beyond our sightlines to usher in their friends so cookies could be dispensed to all comers, including those that accompany the cookie man.

The trails were well slicked by overnight rain that persisted into the day. Pearls of rain sat on burdened foliage, and everything was slicked bright green, almost iridescent with the varnish of the rain. The creek was swollen beyond its height of yesterday, rushing and foaming downhill. Muddied in places where dogs had most recently taken their obligatory trail-hiking relief.

Later, at home, I discovered that the tiger lilies were blooming in the backyard. Welcome in their bright orange, spotted visages. And behind the backyard gate the tall yellow coneflowers were also in bloom. All growing things are enjoying the heat, brilliance and natural irrigation of weather events.



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