Saturday, March 19, 2022

On its way, but dawdling. We had, as of yesterday, about four feet of snow left on our front lawn, less in the backyard. Yesterday was another glorious day of  beneficent warmth with the temperature reaching all the way up to 9C, just a mite less warm than the day before when it rose to a heavenly 11C. The sun was out and it warmed the atmosphere immeasurably. And while it was busy doing that it also warmed the house with its rays beaming through our house windows.


Jackie and Jillie reacted to the balmy air and the sun by constantly asking to go out to lay about on the deck, warmed by the sun entering slantwise under the canopy. They didn't stay out long each time but it was clear they were enjoying a new kind of freedom. The tension of cold air and wind fast dissipating. Now, when we take them out to the ravine, it's without the hassle of boots to protect their tiny paws from snow and ice.

The snow and ice are still there, but the puppies can withstand the cold to a certain degree. And now we're well beyond that certain degree, and they're comfortable. They no longer need their winter jackets, and exchanged them for sweaters, and lighter halters. Other than, with the snow shrinking and melting, even at their slight weight, they're beginning to sink into the loft of the snow, and that's a feeling they're not particularly fond of. Convincing them to stay closer to the trails.

Before we went out yesterday, though, I decided to bake oatmeal squares. That's a little different. The finished product is nothing like cupcakes or muffins, or cake. It's far more compressed, there's no light moist and airy texture, because oat flour lacks the gluten that wheat flour has in abundance. And gluten responds to rising agents like baking powder, baking soda and yeast. Whereas oat flour, absent much in the way of gluten, doesn't.

I used it because I wanted to share dessert with our son who avoids consuming gluten. This recipe used equal parts rolled oats and oat flour. For 1-1/4 cups of each there was a half-cup butter, half-cup granulated sugar, tsp and a half of baking powder (because I detest baking soda), a tsp. of vanilla, two large eggs, and a half-cup each of dried cranberries, min-chocolate chips and chopped pecans. The squares have a stiff, crumbly texture. And we all enjoyed them.

Today's a rainy day. Still mild relatively speaking, but no 11C; the high was no more than 4C, with wind, and very damp of course. So, rain and cool temperature represents an anti-hike formula for us. But yesterday's hike was extra-long, taking is a full two hours to ramble through the forest trails. The same impulse awareness of warmth and sun brought out quite a few people from the broader community, fully appreciating the opportunity to make use of our invaluable community resource.

Snow is melting on the hills, and the creek at the ravine bottom is wider, darker and more churned up than ever. We heard nuthatches and chickadees flitting through the forest trees, and crows calling and hiking high above the canopy on prevailing winds. Spring is approaching. But as it is with making progress through the melting trails leading to one step forward, another backward as we slide backward downhill in our ascents, so it is with spring's eventual arrival.

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