Saturday, November 16, 2019

We're bona fida Canadians. For any who aren't aware, what distinguishes Canadians from others on this globe is our shared fixation with the weather. As Canadians, long accustomed to what the four seasons bring we know that nature is being particularly mischievous with us of late. We are not in winter after, all unless one observes and lives in the weather, as though we have any other choice offered to us.

At this time of year 'normal' is daytime highs around 4C, nor the -6C to -15C and below we've been experiencing. Don't even ask about nighttime lows, they bear no resemblance whatever to what we should be getting, just dipping slightly below the freezing mark.

But this is one of the many things about nature we can't do much about; she decides and it's her show all the way. Come to think of it, it isn't the end of the world. We still get out, cope with the little adversity -- far more of an inconvenience at the very best -- and get on with things. As we did yesterday afternoon when we all hoved ourselves out of our interior comfort on a lovely, sunny day and plunged into the ravine for a walk through the forest trails.

Unlike the previous few days, Jackie and Jillie had no need of boots. The temperature had risen from a night-time low of -14C to an incredibly balmy 0C, and it was sublime. We could feel the sun on our faces from time to time, warming us as it peered down at us from the partially denuded forest canopy and it was blissful.

Jackie and Jillie had company for part of their romp through the forest, when they excitedly welcomed shaggy old Charlie as she entered the woods with her human and from that point onward she and Dan accompanied us. As we communicated as humans are wont to do with important current events discussions -- such as the weather events experienced thus far and anticipated into the real winter months -- the three dogs accompanied one another on little forays into the forest interior and out again, their usual exploratory curiosities to be satisfied.

So, we felt just a little disgruntled some hours later as the sun set and dusk, then darkness rushed in and we could feel the change in the steadily falling temperature even within our home as the thermometer kept sinking until we were once again at -14C for the duration of the night. Weather --- boooring!

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