Saturday, October 20, 2018

Plenty of companions for Jackie and Jillie on their late morning walk through the autumn woods this day. We were placed on notice by the weatherman that today would bring showers. What we saw early in the morning was sun, lots of it. Yet at one point when we went out to the backyard with our charges a gentle rain began to fall. Dark clouds had moved in, though we could see closer to the horizon that there was blue sky in the offing.

That brief shower passed, the dark clouds gave way to soft, white puffy clouds and plenty of blue sky, so off we went for a ramble in the woods, careful to ensure we wouldn't be 'caught out' as it were, by wearing raingear 'just in case'. We hiked through the forest trails in both sun and shade, with enough wind to remind us another weather system was on its way.

We'd had once again heavy overnight rain so the trails, where they weren't deep in fallen foliage, and where the trails tend to dip quite deeply into the ravine were wet and muddy, making ascents a bit on the slippery side, and there are plenty of ascents and descents. None of which is of any concern to Jackie and Jillie, the feisty little quadrupeds.

Usually on a Saturday afternoon we don't come across many others out on the trails. Shopping is an activity that consumes most peoples' attention. Today was unusual. We came across plenty of others out to enjoy the brilliance of a partially sunny day, the sun warming the atmosphere to a balmy 14C, despite the wind. The woods are now a symphony of golds and yellows, pale, intermediate and bright, the sun dazzling our eyes with the wonder of it all.

Nova, now eight months old and gaining in height, breadth and enthusiasm, came along to entertain us for a bit, until his person showed up, which means the people chat and the dogs commune with one another and with their surroundings. Rob always has something interesting to impart to whomever he comes across. He's a giant of a man and Nova is beginning to challenge his size, canine version.

We came across Dan and Charlie, she good natured and always glad to see people she knows -- not so enamoured of other dogs but she tolerates Jackie and Jillie who can certainly test the patience of anyone with their seemingly entitled antics, though at age three they're no longer legitimately to be considered as puppies for whom much is forgiven; they invariably appear as little pests to other, larger dogs.

And then along came Barrie, in fine fettle after his many and varied surgeries the result of which he can now, up to a reasonable point, do the physical things he is devoted to, without incurring dreadful pain. His three border collies are high-energy dogs requiring maximum exposure to the out-of-doors and the freedom to roam. His highly intelligent trio represent absolutely the best-trained, most obedient dogs to ever enter the forest. Barrie, and Sheila his wife, responsibly and patiently spent time and energy to ensure their dogs would never 'herd' other hikers and their companions, or in any way annoy others.

We haven't ourselves been nearly as diligent. Oh, we do tell Jackie and Jillie not to jump up at people they know in the exuberance of recognition, but so far it hasn't made much of a difference to their behaviour. Others doggedly pursue the effort to ensure their canine companions obey instructions to behave well; we're obviously not among the dedicated.

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