Tuesday, August 21, 2018

People wonder and worry what they'll do in their retirement years. The working day in the paid workforce takes up such an enormous part of a weekday, leaving weekends two days of frantic efforts to pack into stay-at-home days so many other things; running various chores; catching up to personal projects; spending time with family and friends; hoping to have leisure time for sports or shopping, or eating out or entertainment, it's little wonder people are perpetually rest-deprived.

This becomes normal routine and in anticipation of no more days dedicated to travelling to and from a workplace and spending 7 to 8 hours there for five days a week strikes people as abnormal leaving them concerned over how they will fill in the hours normally spent in a workplace, once retirement is achieved. It's when people are finally able to devote hours to doing things that matter to them, whether it's attention to a neglected hobby or becoming more involved in activities that always seemed interesting but the time to devote to them simply wasn't available.

Invariably, most people find their imaginations and aspirations strained when they try to visualize how they'll be employed when they're no longer employed at paid work hours. And for some people who had little interest in anything outside working hours it can be a problem; they feel rootless, aimless, deprived of direction. While for others the freedom that comes with those opened leisure hours can be meaningful; travel to unknown places beckon, there are dance classes, advanced educational courses, social groups that attract many people. And others discover a hitherto-unrealized talent that can be exercised and expanded in producing objects of art; painting, sculpture, or furniture-making; whatever appeals.

We've never been short of things to do. More reading hours at our disposal for two people addicted to all kinds of literature. Writing, to fulfill an ambition to one day devote oneself to writing, feeling you've plenty to say and describe and finally realizing it can be done. More time in the out-of-doors, hiking in the forest, travelling and indulging in traversing mountain trails for the sheer enjoyment of the energy expenditure and the opportunity to share with one another nature's wonderful landscapes.

For those who wrack their brains and are able to think of nothing they are interested in, all those hours when they can choose to do what they please are wasted. For those for whom so many opportunities beckon to expand knowledge, experiences, and enjoy those hours and days open to such a wide variety of options, retirement can mean an expansion of life's enjoyment and experience, not an hour to be wasted without indulging one's every whim.

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