Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Little wonder, living in a Northern country where the climate is given to extremes and weather can change direction with no warning, we are so focused on our environment. We know that cluck-clucking over nature's tantrums has no influence on her predispositions, but we indulge regardless. As a constant conversation topic there's nothing quite like it.

One of our nephews, travelling from La Belle Province back to his home in Toronto from a business trip, had planned to drop by our house for a few hours on his way back, but given today's weather conditions, he and his wife decided it might be foolish to do anything but drive directly back to Toronto. As it is they'll be battling extremes in wind and sleet and since he has to make an important business meeting this evening, they've little other option.

Snow greeted us this morning, with an inch-and-a-half accumulation in the backyard. Just at the freezing point it will soon melt, and what's coming down is no longer snow but freezing rain. It's the wind that makes things really nasty, and it is destined to become even more so, with Environment Canada forecasting winds up to 90 km/hr for this afternoon.

If I can, I'll try to slip into the ravine for a shortened circuit on the forest trails with Jackie and Jillie in an hour or so, if the rain relents sufficiently. My husband is bound to the house, with a wretched chest cold that has knocked him for a loop the last few days. The virus appears to be going the rounds locally, not unusual for this time of year.

On our circuit yesterday afternoon we encountered only one other person who immediately wanted to know where my husband was. She was out with her happy-go-lucky Golden, Harley (despite her gender) glad to see Jackie and Jillie, and good for a spurt of competitive racing, but far more given to leaping about in what's left of the snow.

Because of the weather uncertainty this past week, people might be less inclined to get out on days like yesterday's and today. Today it's completely dull and overcast, but yesterday as it has been for the past week, the sky has been changeable, with heavy clouds one minute, sun and blue patches another. And that's what it was like yesterday. Today we're definitely in a trough of dominating gloom.

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