Wednesday, November 15, 2017

They like and enjoy their creature comforts. And, as residents of the home we share, they are entitled to enjoy those creature comforts. They are our valued and loved companions, as much 'at home' in this place we share as we are. And while we're familiar with one another's likes and dislikes, we're still in some ways mysteries to one another.

Our two puppies -- we consider them such, though they're now over three years of age -- are decidedly dedicated to their own comfort. And far be it from us to deny them any of those comforts. Even though we might not agree with them. We can understand why it is that they are so consumed with the sun. They know the time of day the sun enters the sliding glass doors off the patio so they can position themselves comfortably in their bed in full sunlight, taking advantage of those days when we too wholly appreciate the sun on wintry days shining through the windows and effectively warming the interior of the house.

They ask to be allowed to go out only on such occasions; when the atmosphere is crisp and cold and the sun floats in a clear, blue sky. Then they agree they're temporarily 'outside dogs'. But they're attracted as much to the branches of the weeping Mulberry tree sitting alongside the deck as they are to the presence of the sun. The sun is what brings them out, and once out they head straight for the Mulberry. In the summer months when the canopy over the deck is curtained this delightful opportunity to gnaw on the Mulberry branches isn't available. Now, it is. In the summer aside from our daily hikes in the forest they're content to remain indoors.

And why they are consumed with passion over chewing up sticks found in the forest on the trails, and the easy availability of spruce needles to chew on is beyond our ken. Of course they forage for the same irresistible treats in the backyard, as well. We've tried for years to wean them away from their fascination with anything lying on the ground. To no avail. And now we're alert to the presence of rotting wild apples on the forest floor covered with mould that once sent Jackie into hospital care when his nervous system was affected by ingesting the mould, and he had to have his stomach pumped clean of the apples he'd eaten, so we're forever alert to their habit of quickly pouncing on things like this that they know they're forbidden.

When they were young we accustomed them to having vegetable salads, raw and cooked, hoping to give them vitamins and minerals their diet might be missing, leading them to picking up detritus. Evidently that didn't work, though they remain expectant and utterly devoted to their daily salads.

So, no, they're indoor dogs who appreciate all the comforts of a home interior. Jackie prefers to perch himself on the back of the sofa close to where my computer station is. Occasionally he'll check out my ears, licking them clean, then settle back in comfort, while Jillie luxuriates on the loveseat beside my husband, who uses a mini-laptop to search out news. They only begin to become restless when their interior clock nudges them with the realization that dinner-time is fast approaching...

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