Thursday, May 25, 2017

The woodlands now have achieved full foliage, the canopy dense and the overall green of the deciduous trees, bright green, illuminating the forest, even on dull days like today. We ventured out for our daily ravine walk in the woods early today intending to get out before the rain hit. The difference a week makes in the spring forest is enormously impressive. The bright green overwhelming, and we're grateful for that. 

Wild Apple Tree blooms

That period in early spring when we await the transition from sere bareness both on the forest floor and the naked branches of oaks, beeches, poplars, hawthorns, apple trees, birches to finally erupt into verdant splendour seems long, but once the first of the leaves begin to emerge it really doesn't take all that long before they mature, seeds are dropped into the wind to convey them here and there, and that bare look is succeeded by the lush green aspect we so anxiously await.

Hawthorns in bloom
We admire and are thankful for the pines, spruce, hemlock, fir and cedars maintaining green throughout the winter months, when their generous needled boughs are home to snow drifts and the beauty of a winter day in the woods is amplified, but there are large areas where the conifers are less plentiful, and the absence of green life on their deciduous counterparts once the snow has gone leaves a landscape bereft.
Foamflower in bloom
Now, the apple trees are in bloom, and so are the hawthorns. The False Solomon's Seal is beginning its bloom on the forest floor, and wild strawberries are also in bloom. It's a cheerful, constantly changing landscape as new growing things emerge to make their presence known. 

/False Solomon's Seal setting their blooms

The woodland violets are in full colourful display, and so are the Jack-in-the-Pulpits whose modest presence requires recognition else they'd be bypassed by those unaware of their secret, coloured hood.

The foamflowers are in full flower, and the dogwood shrubs just beginning theirs. Truly, never a dull moment on a forest trail.

Strawberry blooms

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