Saturday, March 25, 2017

What a weather roller-coaster yesterday was; snow, wet snow, freezing rain, ice pellets, wet snow, and more snow. A total of 14 cm of snow, to add to the snowpack that had only just begun to diminish from its high point over-winter. Some spring, so far. First thing this morning the backyard looked like the proverbial winter wonderland. Not complaining, how could I, viewing such incomparable beauty?

And then later venturing into the forest, although it was no longer snowing, it still was, in a sense. The slightest of wind, above-freezing temperature by the time we went out, shifted the snow from overhead branches and down it came, plopping everywhere, and of course, on us. The snow is so deep and plushy over everything that it absorbs all sound, and in the ravine it is incredibly still and quiet.

The creek is open and running furiously with the beginning of the snow-melt, and though there's lots to go, it eventually will, though we will be well into April before the monopolistic white has turned to expectant glimpses of green shoots budding everywhere.

Because it's Saturday we came across others out enjoying the scene and the opportunity to stretch legs and lungs. First off it was Harley and Lilly; the former an Australian shepherd with the most wonderful disposition, overjoyed to see us for a romp with Jackie and Jillie, the latter a golden lab, a small and beautiful specimen of her breed, but fairly standoffish.

And then a delightful little Yorkie mix, half the size of our own little raffish runts, who gamely put up with their antics, snuffling and sniffing at her overbearingly; a contrast in size and close to bullying since there's two dogs surrounding one much smaller one. She persevered and gave a good accounting of herself.

After that, we came across Lilly the white German shepherd  whose good nature won't allow her to put our two in their place. She tolerates their presence and even shows us how pleased she is to see us all.

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